Corotop Winter
Products » Special Tape Systems » Corotop Winter
Corotop Winter is single-sided flexible self-adhesive tape consisting of a low-temperature polyethylene film and a special adhesive based on acrylic dispersion, reinforced with polyester fiber. Particularly recommended at low temperatures for the repair of roof and façade membranes, as well as for the connection of passageways where pipes or beams are present. It is characterized by the invariable viscosity/stickness of the adhesive layer even at very low temperatures.
- extreme sticking power
- suitable at low temperatures
- high adhesion in humid enviroments
- reinforced with poliester fiber
- ideal for joining and repairing roof and facade membranes
- for polypropylene and polyethylene vapour-barriers
- for connecting foil with plastics, concrete, wood and metal
- for use outside building structures
- 60mm x 25mb (5 rolls)
60mm x 25m
from -20 °C
from -30
to +100 °C
≥ 30 N / 25 mm
Opinia dekarza:
Wysokoparoprzepuszczalna, trójwarstwowa membrana dachowa o gramaturze 140 g/m², zbudowana z filmu funkcyjnego zabezpieczonego obustronnie włókniną polipropylenową. Zapewnia odporność na przesiąkanie wody oraz reguluje przepływ pary wodnej przez system dachowy. Dostępna w wersji z paskami klejącymi o szerokości 40 mm.