Corotop Easy
Products » Special Tape Systems » Corotop Easy
Corotop Easy is single-sided self-adhesive tape made of polyethylene film and adhesive based on acrylic dispersion, reinforced with polyester fiber. Thanks to the specially arranged reinforcement and zigzag edges, the strip division does not require the use of cutting tools. The product does not contain a liner, which increases safety when working on scaffolding and promotes environmental protection. The belt meets the requirements of DIN 4108/11. Up to a year of UV resistance.
- high bonding strength
- without liner (easy and safe use)
- strip splitting does not require cutting tools
- flexible
- for sealing and repairing joints/passes/channels with vapor-insulating film
- for bonding and fixing the polypropylene and polyethylene plastic foils
- for connecting foil with plastics, concrete, wood and metal
- for use inside building structures
- 60mm x 25mb (5 rolls)
60mm x 25m
from 5 °C
to +100 °C
≥ 30 N / 25 mm

Opinia dekarza:
Wysokoparoprzepuszczalna, trójwarstwowa membrana dachowa o gramaturze 140 g/m², zbudowana z filmu funkcyjnego zabezpieczonego obustronnie włókniną polipropylenową. Zapewnia odporność na przesiąkanie wody oraz reguluje przepływ pary wodnej przez system dachowy. Dostępna w wersji z paskami klejącymi o szerokości 40 mm.